Monday, February 25, 2008

Officially Domesticated!

So I just got done scolding my wife for making a mess. I warned her before I complained, that I was not sure where this was coming from but I said, "Cessie, for my sanity's sake could you please clean up after you are done with something." The moment it left my mouth, God flashed back all of the times that I left an irresponsible mess and all of the dumb ideas that failed and she had to clean up. I am not ashamed to be a stay at home dad, but I am realizing how inconsiderate I have been over that last 6 years. I hesitate to make any vows about how things will be different once I am "back to work", knowing myself that is when things come back to bite me. But I have noticed I am more aware of the neat and tidiness of my home and I hope I can do a better job of taking care of my messes in the future.