Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome to Earth

.......Breaking News.........
Aron Rice has not fallen from the face of the earth!

It really is not breaking news b/c the only person that reads this blog is my wife, and she always unpacks my suitcase, when I return from Uranus. (Oooooh that reads worse that it did in my head , but I am keeping it.)

But really, a week away from blog world, me and Jesus had a "Come to party". I got my heart restored back to a better place. I was in a funk since the first of the year, but now I have a fresh perspective. Why? you might ask. I heard from my Father God, and he gave me a swift kick in the pants....And that is a BIG FOOT!

It is too late to get into it now but maybe tomorrow, I will give you the juicy details.