Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Men and Church

Why don't Men go to church?

Send me your comments.

We just completed yet another round of Christmas and Easter Holidays where the 'once a year' Christians make plans in their "busy" (insert sarcasm) schedules to make a cameo appearance at their local place of worship.

I love to people watch on these Sundays, especially the men. There are obvious signs that certain men have been 'hamstrung' into getting a dress shirt on and for the sake of their marriage they had to show-up to this house of hypocrites. You know the guy, he walks slower than the rest of his family with a Lurch style limp (b/c of the dress shoes). He has a long somber face on, a mix between a pouty kid and a defiant teen. His spiritual walls are well established, evidenced by his crossed arms the entire service. He is uncomfortable and does not want to be there. He would rather be at the dentist, or in marriage counseling than at church. Then with little more than a half smile, he shakes the pastor's hand at the end of the service. An awkward pause at the door, as if silently saying to each other 'see ya next year!'

I am having some fun with this, and have been a little dramatic with my language, but the real issue is, what is it about Church that men are so, opposed too? What are we communicating that causes such opposition?

Is it their Spiritual condition? No, because women are also sinners and they seem to flock to churches. They are the ones who "make" these men show-up, for their own good. So what do the females get that the men don't?

What about Personality? One might argue, that men are more cerebral, analytical, reasonable...etc. Women are more emotional, relational...etc. But these are the same men who yell and scream at their sports venues and get emotional at the mushy parts of a chick flick. They are humbled by the birth of their children, and when the lights are out, they have the most transparent conversations with their wives.

So why the wall at church? Why the Lurch? Why don't men go to church?

Post a comment. How do you see it?


Jason Ebeling said...

Since I couldn't say why as well as this, I'll refer you to the book

Why Men Hate Going To Church

and the companion website


kelley said...

lol...your such a funny guy!!! maybe the reason men dont go to church is because their afraid they dont like to feel emotional, and sometimes, most the time services are emotional! idk im a girl but that is prob a reason=] miss ya. and i love your blogs!