Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homework Week 2 Q2

          Question 2

 Are your teens trustworthy and earning freedom?  Do you spend enough time with them to keep them accountable?


Anonymous said...

No Sweat!

Anonymous said...

Yes, she earns it in so many ways and I am allowing failure, when she does something where I lose trust we talk about it, I let trust be earned back, and tell her she is forgiven.

Anonymous said...

I spend alot of time with her, we make sure we have that time for just her and I everyday, no matter how our days went.

Anonymous said...

Overall, I would say yes,they are trustworthy and earning freedom. There have been times when we have had to pull back and take some freedom away at least for a while when they have shown they weren't quite ready for it. Spending time with them and with their friends definitely helps in knowing what's going on. Sometimes we really have to fight for that time because there are so many other things pulling them in different directions.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Both my teens are trustworthy enough to earn more freedoms but it's Mom and Dad's reluctance to give them more freedoms that often gets in the way. Spending enough time together is tough when the oldest is always trying to find reasons to be out of the house, but in general I'd say yes WE are as a team spending enough time with them. Although, some of these interactions now have to FORCED since time is more precious. Because the opportunities to peak into thier lives grows smaller as they spread thier wings more, I think it is more critical to discuss together as parents what is happening in thier lives. As this trustworthiness has been tested, we have had to occasionally pull them back when the rules were conveniently forgotten. Fortunately this has not been the norm.